Poster for Velamints Duo featuring a dual tasting transformative flavor

Velamints Gum Tins

The goal was to introduce the classic, American breath mint to a European audience. Starting with a clean slate, the desire was to establish Velamints with a line of products that cater to a number of markets across Europe.
The image of the brand moved forward in a modern and timeless direction featuring a clean, fresh-tasting mint leaf. This iconic mint leaf is able to transform itself to create a variety of flavors—green for Spearmint, blue for Peppermint, even red for watermelon complete with seeds.
Velamints Fresh mints freshen your breath. Velamints White gum has the added benefit of whitening your teeth. Velamints Duo featured a new transformative flavor that started as mint and changed to watermelon. For markets with customers who might remember the classic mints, the original Velamints mint was available in the original stick format package with a fresh look.
The Velamints Fresh tin design takes its unique shape from the shape of the mint—a rounded square with a dimple in the center. The Velamints White gum tin also follows the shape of the gum—taller and smaller. For bigger fans, a resealable pouch is available for bulk mint purchases.
Now Velamints is that simple, clean freshness we look for in a mint.