Zinsser Primers. Always Hits The Mark.
Re-Introducing a Heritage Brand to the Next Generation
In the home improvement category, many products are commodities. They compete on features and race to the bottom to be the least expensive price leader. However, Rust-Oleum’s Zinsser was a premium primer at a much higher price and was unknown to younger professional painters. 

To help customers choose a more expensive primer, we had to educate them on why Zinsser was worth it. Fortunately, it’s a quality product with a rich history of innovation. Customer research showed that Zinsser’s main buyer cares most about the quality of their work, which helped drive our brand purpose, “To Help Painters Do the Job Right.”

We created a fully integrated media campaign featuring vibrant colors and whimsical illustrations. The campaign educated “rookies" on six proof points that Zinsser is a premium primer worth the extra expense.

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